每天資訊庭審中的full court、court in bank和panel of judges的區別?


庭審中的full court、court in bank和panel of judges的區別?


其中,full court (也稱為full bench)為“全席法庭”,指由法院所有法官所組成的一種法庭,通常目的是為聽審就抗辯的辯論 (arguments on demurrers),重新審判的動議(motion for new trial) 等。“A court session that is attended by all the court‘s judges;an en banc court。“ Cf。 Bryan A。 Gamerf Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p。 358, West Group (1999)。

此外,full court 還可指擴大庭。在蘇格蘭指高等刑事法院〔High Court of Justiciary〕審理刑事上訴案件時要求由多於通常法定人數(3人)的法官組成的法庭審理。擴大庭可由5-7名或更多的法官組成,但並不一定要求該法院的全體法官都出庭。

庭審中的full court、court in bank和panel of judges的區別?

court in bank (也稱為court en banc)為“全席聽審”,是指由法院所有法官或法定數額(quorum)的法官出席所組成的法庭聽證會,受理很少一些事項,事實上,court in bank 或 court en banc 在多數情況均等同 full court。“A meeting of all the judges of a court, usually for the purposes of hearing arguments on demurrers, motions, for new trial, etc , as distinguished from sessions of the same court presided over by a single judge or panel of judges。” Cf。 The Publisher‘s Editorial Staff, Black’s Law Dictionary, abridged 6th edition, at p。 245, West Publishing Co。 (1991 )。

panel (of judges) 則為數個法官所組成的“合議庭”,尤指上訴審法庭,也可稱為collegial bench。如上訴法院共有9名法官,9名法官共同組成一個法庭審理訴訟則為full court,其也可分為3組,即組成3個法庭各自審理案件,此時的法庭則為“合議庭” (panel) 。“A set of judges selected from a complete court to decide a specific case;esp。 a group of three judges designated to sit for an appellate court。“ Cf。 Bryan A。 Gamer, Black‘s Law Dictionary,7th edition, at p。 1135,West Group (1999)。

庭審中的full court、court in bank和panel of judges的區別?


First, following conflicting decisions in the District Court, a Full Court in 1975 held on appeal that where the authorised signatory of a corporate drawer failed on a ”company cheque“ to add words clearly indicating that he had signed in a representative capacity, then the signatory could not avail himself of the provisions of Section 26(1) of the Bills of Exchange Ordinance and was personally liable on the cheque (Cheung Yiu-wing v。 Blooming Textile Limited (1975) HKLR 388)。

首先是在地方法院作出了一些相互矛盾的裁決後,全席法庭於1975年在一宗上訴案件裡裁定,若一名公司出票人沒有在一張公司支票上加上字句明確表示他是以代表身份簽署該支票,該簽署人便不能引用匯票條例第26(1)條的規定保障自己,並要為支票負上個人法律責任(Cheung Yiu-wing v Blooming Textile Limited (1975) HKLR 388) 。

庭審中的full court、court in bank和panel of judges的區別?

Cases of first instance in the people’s courts shall be tried by a collegial panel of judges or of judges and people’s assessors; simple civil cases, minor criminal cases and cases otherwise provided for by law may be tried by a single judge。

人民法院審判第一審案件,除簡單的民事案件 、輕微的刑事案件和法律 另有規定的案件可以適用簡易程式由審判員一人獨任審判外,由審判員組成合議庭或由審判員和人民陪審員組成合議庭進行;審判上訴和抗訴案件,由審判員組成合議庭進行。