每天資訊《老外怎麼看》半決賽EDG vs GEN:JieJie連選五把嘉文,我願稱他為嘉文五世。


《老外怎麼看》半決賽EDG vs GEN:JieJie連選五把嘉文,我願稱他為嘉文五世。

Game 1

GEN: You can‘t defeat me

EDG: I know, but you can



“Fun fact” If Ruler lose this serie, he will be the only player to win and lose at every stage at world

2018: Lose in groupstage

2020: Lose in quarter

2021: Lose in semi?

2016: Lose in final

2017: Win the final

——next year lose in playin groups the following year lose in playin playoffs for full combo

——Or wait until riot adds a new stage for him to lose in









Viper playing Assassin Lucian

——No fear from that man, absolute beast。



Not gonna call it too early but it’s looking good for Damwon。

——It was looking good for Damwon before this series even started



Gen。G deserved to lose after picking Seraphine and Lulu。


Game 2

GEN Clid has left the server

SKT Clid has entered the server

——This is 2019 form of Clid this worlds。

——clid and bdd were sooooo bad last year i can‘t believe their form rn

GEN Clid已斷開連線

SKT Clid已重新連線



No matter the quality of these games, I’m always happy when these Bo5 series doesn’t end up being one sided and go 3-0。

At least it means both teams are trying, and that’s something fun to witness。

——Until the finals come and it’s a 3-0 stomp

——Finals was 3-2 what are you talking about。

——DK is probably laughing while watching this series






Man I gotta say, I hate the Jhin pick in the west, but Korea can make him works SO HARD。

——weird how the west plays jhin like he‘s a mage or something, lpl and lck jhin is more versatile



I don’t want to hear shit about how good Flandre is。 Dying 1v1 to Rascal after getting the camp to set him behind is beyond pathetic。


What I learned so far: The team that spills the water loses。



Game 3

Is Rascal unironically gonna draw a Renekton ban lmfao

——now watch them banning Renek and leaving Lee open again

——Lee will kick LPL out of worlds lol

——It already kicked LCS and LEC, it would be hilarious if GenG win the next game with Lee。





Icon “LPL mids are better than LCK ones”

Perkz “Bdd is the worse mid laners”

The best memes from world coming from two of the worse mid laners。




West, Rogue time

East, Gen G time

——Even EDG has GenG time too。

——rogue, gen g and edg are the same team

——One of their common factors is also having superstar ADC players (Hans Sama, Viper, and Ruler) XD


東方有“Gen G時間”



——他們還有一個共同點,就是隊伍裡都有明星AD選手(Hans Sama、Viper和Ruler)2333

GenG midgame is just straight up trash, wtf

——Rogue Time Prestige Edition

——Imagine Rogue vs Gen G mid games。

——i would rather not


——Rogue Time 至臻版



do you think EDG will start banning lee sin anytime soon

——still can‘t believe rascal is having this much impact on renenkton even after all the nerfs

——Goredrinker steraks stopwatch nice items balanced and fun




I don’t know who the fuck is going to win this series, but Damwon is winning Worlds, that‘s for sure


Both teams doing their best to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory。


Game 4

both these teams are literally just better versions of rogue

——Still sad we didn’t get our EDG GenG Rogue group


——Four teams with absolutely zero midgame would be peak League of Legends


——EDG GenG RGE沒能分到一個組還是讓我感到傷心



《老外怎麼看》半決賽EDG vs GEN:JieJie連選五把嘉文,我願稱他為嘉文五世。

I hope Zoey wins xD I’m a Zoe main and she’s just so fun!! People get so trolled by the bubble, and her voice lines are so cute like when she sings about chocolate cake LOL! She’s super random but also smarter than she looks just like me as a kid xD



T1 vs DK - We need to make no mistake to win

EDG vs Gen G - We need our opponent to make more mistakes than us to win

T1 vs DK 我們需要不犯錯才能贏

EDG vs GenG 我們需要對手比我們犯更多的錯才能贏

Guys I think Lucian Nami duo might be a little problem but Im not sure


Game 5

2-1 is the most dangerous lead in Semifinals

——Literally mirror of yesterday, last 2 games are a stomp

——The uncomfort zone




LPL 1st seed vs LCK 1st seed in Worlds finals。

Just as expected! :^)

——Turns out the best way to subvert expectations is to not subvert them

——The script‘s plot twist was that there was no plot twist。





Riot could be like “Renektons laning is a bit too oppressive so we removed his ability to cast spells” and pro players will still pick him。

Absolutely insane this champion is still being played。

——It is a comfort pick, only Rascal really found success





——Honestly better that way。 I think cross-region matchups carry hype than civil wars (with the exception of T1 vs Damwon)

——LCK Autumn had its finals yesterday。 Today and next week are exhibition matches & celebration tour for Damwon。

——Inb4 dk loses there gonna be alot of people looking like clowns


——講真,這樣更好。比起賽區內戰,賽區之間的比賽往往才是更激動人心的(昨天的T1 vs Damwon除外)



ban lee win game


JieJie had an absolute MONSTER of a game 5 holy shit

——5 Jarvan picks, I would name him Jarvan 。 He was so great in last two games。



Rascal unable to make up his mind at Rift Herald was the peak of Gen G looking disorganized in Game 5


EDG, the hope of the LPL?

Feels weird to say。

——imagine telling LPL fans at the start of the season that their region’s worlds hopes will rest with EDG。。。




This series was way more exciting than expected。 Clid may be a smite god but when EDG as a whole decide to show up, they are a force to be reckoned with。

這場比賽比想象中的好看多了,Clid雖然懲戒從不失手但EDG整體都打出了水平,是一支不可輕視的隊伍 ……